Spread Love Satheesh Shanmu is a popular couples channel in Tamil Nadu. They are posting videos about funny, prank, uruttugal, couples love and more.In the short period of time they are earning more fans followers on YouTube. Now Satheesh Shanumu couples are crossing one millions fans.
Recently they are getting married and born new baby girl. Her Name is Nirmala Mirudhini and the nick name is Chintu. Both are maximum upload shorts videos on Uruttugal concpt. Ever videos reaching one million views within 24 hours.
Satheesh also maintain another channel with his own name.Totally they have four channels. Both are making videos with satheesh kumar mother. Moreover Satheesh sister also have one account in the name of Thiru Tharu.
Full Name | Satheesh Kumar |
Wife Name | Shanmuga Priya |
Daughter Name | Nirmala Miruthini |
Sister Channel Name | Thiru Tharu |
Shanmu Age | 26 |
Satheesh Age | 28 |
Living Place | Madurai |
Channel Name | Satheesh Shanmu |
Salary | 2 Lakhs per month |
Studies | B.Sc (Comp,sc) |
Contact Number | Not Revealed |
Hobbies | Dancing |
Job | Software Industries |
Mail – id | spreadloveenquires |
Religion | Hindu |
Nationlaity | India |
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Spread Love Satheesh Shanmu fans are search like Biography, Age, Wife Name, YouTube Salary, Income, mobile phone number etc. But they are never share contact number details for audience. Alternatively you can follow social media networks to check the recent photos and videos.