Flipkart Customer Care Number Tamil Nadu peoples are mostly raise this question. Because in the most of time Flipkart did not properly send the products on the exact time. So customers are like to contact the support team who place the orders.
Live Chat support is available but we need to wait more hours for communicate with them. Therefor users are not like the live chat system.Maximum village side peoples are like to contact the support team for further clarification. For example late delivery, service schedule, product missing, damage, return policy etc.
The peoples are who are living in Toothukudi/Tuticorin, Tirunelveli, Chennai, Madurai, Erode, Coimbatore, Trichy, Villupuram, Vellore cities. So in below I list out the Flipkart Customer Care Number Tamil Nadu.
Udangudi Karupatti is very famous on Tamil Nadu. So if you are like just place order we will send within a weeks.
Flipkart Customer Care Number Tamil Nadu
Number is +91 6206613002.
You can contact this number for any complaints or support. Actually this is common mobile phone number for all major districts. Some peoples are search Flipkart Complaint WhatsApp number, but it’s not available to chat via WhatsApp.
So just contact via above number and explain your problem. That’s the official number so you don’t worry about make a calls.
This is the common issues and not only on Flipkart. Most of major sites are facing this problem like Amazon, Reliance, Bigbasket, Myntra, Zomato, Swiggy, Zepto and more.
Flipkart Corporate Address
You can also directly contact them via the official address.